Peterbilt Motors

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    Clay Modelers Wanted Now

    StylingHaus has a client that's looking for a senior clay modeler or two. The client is about ready to pull the trigger on the right candidate. Will that be you? Do you have fingers of fury and can get it done quickly when push comes to shove? If you want to work in OC, CA, and are available between now and the end of 2016, StylingHaus wants to talk with you!

      LA Auto Show Design Challenge 2014: How Cars Will Interact With Humans

      The Los Angeles Auto Show (LA Auto Show®) has unveiled the 2014 Design Challenge entries submitted by world-renowned auto design studios for its 11th annual competition. This year's entries explore the future of automobile connectivity by responding to the prompt: "Sensing the Future: How Will Cars Interact With Us In 2029?"